Anita Saarkessian

Anita Sarkeesian is a Canadian-American feminist media critic as well as a public speechwriter. She is the founder of Feminist Frequency the site that features videos and comments on the representations of women in popular media. Anita Sarkeesian, a Canadian-American media critic and blog writer that has received accolades for her work. She is a feminist blogger. Feminist Frequency is a not-for profit site for education that investigates gender representation in popular stories of culture - was created and is directed by Sarkeesian. She's committed to removing stereotypes of women as they appear in popular media. Furthermore she aims to create the awareness of harassment on social media targeted at women, and other marginalized groups of people. Holding a master's degree in the field of political and social thinking from York University Sarkeesian is also an extremely sought-after public presenter and has presented speeches at TEDxWomen XOXO Festival as well as at The United Nations' Broadband Working Group on Gender. Feminist Frequency was founded in 2009 by Sarkeesian, a University student who has been interested in issues that concern gender and feminism for quite a lengthy period of. This ambitious woman planned to launch an internet program that would examine gender representation in games, but was the target of a harassment campaign online. This attack didn't stop her from pursuing the project, and instead it bolstered the determination of feminist media critic. Many awards have been presented to her in recognition of all of the contribution she has contributed to. Anita Sarkeesian won awards for her work as a critic of media and founded Feminist Frequency. The non-profit investigates women's representation in popular culture of today.

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